Author: jimadmin
Do I have a Claim? Employment Law Firm, Cases & Litigation (Workplace Attorneys) ☎ (404) ...
Do I have a Claim? – Employment Law Firm in Atlanta, GA Call ☎ (404) 487-0904 Webpage: Employment Lawyers and Law Office: ...February 17, 2020CA Meal Break Law Explained by an Employment Lawyer
This video examines CA’s meal break laws. How much money will you be owed if you’re denied your 30-minute lunch break? You ...February 17, 2020CA Rest Break Law Explained by an Employment Lawyer
This video details CA’s 10-minute rest break law. Branigan breaks down the law so any employee can understand it. We first examine ...February 17, 2020CA Retaliation Law Explained by an Employment Lawyer
This video explains California’s workplace retaliation laws. What does it mean to be retaliated against? This video breaks down the law without ...February 17, 2020CA Hostile Work Environment Law Explained by an Employment Lawyer
This video details California’s hostile work environment law. This will help employees understand their employment rights. This video covers all the protected ...February 17, 2020CA Overtime Law Explained by an Employment Lawyer
This video describes California’s overtime laws for non-lawyers. This video details what constitutes a violation and who much people may be owed. ...February 17, 2020Petrie-Flom Center’s Eighth Annual Health Law Year in P/Review: Coming Developments in Health IT
– Sara Gerke, Research Fellow, Medicine, Artificial Intelligence, and Law, Petrie-Flom Center for Health Law Policy, Biotechnology, and Bioethics, Harvard Law School ...February 17, 2020Petrie-Flom Center’s Eighth Annual Health Law Year in P/Review: Health and Life Sciences IP
– Claire Laporte, Head of Intellectual Property, Gingko Bioworks – Jacob S. Sherkow, Edmond J. Safra Center and Petrie-Flom Center Fellow in ...February 17, 2020Petrie-Flom Center’s Eighth Annual Health Law Year in P/Review: Challenges Facing Health Care GCs
– Andrew Fuqua, Senior Vice President and General Counsel, Cambridge Health Alliance – Catheryn O’Rourke, Chief Legal and Compliance Officer, Smith + ...February 17, 2020Cross examination by prosecution
February 17, 2020